Share your work with the community!


  • Make sure to write at the top of the text the categories of your story. Eg: Romance, Sci-Fi, Horror, etc. Also include any tags that might not be listed on our site already.

    • CATEGORIES: Romance, Poetry.
    • TAGS: love, short-story, tragedy
  • Read the guidelines here
  • Do not start writing here. If an error should occur when submitting your work, all your text might disappear. We recommend writing your text in another text editor then copy and paste it here.
  • You can upload up to one image per post. Image cannot be larger than 1200px x 1200px (an error might occur and you might need to start the process all over)
  • If this is a continuation of previous work (another part, or new chapter), name your post title as:
    • PREVIOUS TITLE – PART 1 (or current part)
    • PREVIOUS TITLE – CHAPTER 1 (or current chapter)

      Don’t forget to include a link to the previous part or chapter to help our readers follow your work.


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