Home for Amateur Writers

This is a site created for amateur writers that wish to share their work with the world.
In this site you will find a myriad of stories submitted by our fellow authors. But guess what? You can also submit your own work! No matter how short or how long. Submitting a story is as simple as copying text into a text editor!
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to get yourself known by the professional community. In this site you can discover new talent or better yet, be a talented writer and be discovered. Go from amateur writer to professional and best seller!
If you are an amateur writer, Writer’s Journal will give you the opportunity to showcase your talent. You can submit short or long stories from a wide range of categories. Make sure to review our disclaimer page before submitting your work.
Don’t forget to share this site and don’t be shy to share your work. There are many people out there waiting to see your potential.
Find unique and entertaining stories created by amateur writers.
Support our writers by commenting and rating their stories.
Submit your work and share your talent with us.
Become a professional writer and make yourself stand out.
Hi, I’m Erika and I am a web developer. I created this site for people who want to share their work, like I do.
Have Fun!