Writer’s Journal protects the work of our writers

Writer’s Journal does not claim any property over the work posted here nor does it take responsibility for affected audiences caused by the material posted here.

All work is expected to follow the compliance rules and fall within a reasonable topics and storylines. Controversial topics shall not be removed unless proved depraved in any way.

Posting rules and Author agreement

This is a binding contract between you (the author) and Writer’s Journal

To post your stories/poems on this site you must agree to and follow the rules as presented here. Please take the time to read through this page carefully before submitting. It will help gain a better understanding on how things work here and help you avoid common mistakes that cause delays in posting.

By submitting your work for posting on Writer’s Journal you certify that the following conditions are true and you agree to all the terms outlined here:

  1. You are the creator/co-creator of the work or you have explicit written permission from its author to post the work online. OR Submission is in the public domain (copyright has expired – which you may be asked to prove.)
  2. You allow Writer’s Journal and its agents to make the necessary changes to make your work suitable for publishing on our sites.
  3. Writer’s Journal has the right to refuse the posting of any work, for any reason.
  4. Writer’s Journal may remove your works at any time at the discretion of the moderators. (We’ll notify you if that happens and the reason.)
  5. Teasers and blackmail are absolutely prohibited. (Teasers are any story parts that require or entice readers to read preceding or following parts on other sites or purchase those parts or sending money for further postings.)
  6. Age restrictions: Your work (stories, poems or blog entries) may not contain characters younger than 16 having sex or being in sexual situations (masturbation and nudism are not allowed). In other words, all characters that engage in any sexual activity must be 16 or older.
  7. Illustrations/Photos including nudity may be accepted. You must have explicit permission to use the artwork. (You assume the responsibility of using the pictures)
    Illustrations are handled at the discretion of the moderator. Pictures maybe shrunk or converted into another format to bring the file size down. If the pictures don’t add any value to the story, they may be deleted completely from the submission.
  8. Complaints received about copyright/plagiarism on your part will be investigated. If true, then all your work will be removed from the site, and your author account will be closed.
  9. Writer’s Journal has general disclaimer and copyright notice that covers all the site’s contents including what works you may post on the site. Each reader has to agree to disclaimer and copyright notice before they use the site. If your work contains very similar copyright and disclaimer notices, the moderator will remove the disclaimer from your work for redundancy. (to save on bandwidth)
  10. Advertisements in stories or blogs are not allowed. (especially for other story sites)
  11. Links in stories are handled at the discretion of the moderator. (links to commercial sites, banner sites are not allowed)
  12. If you have your own stories site (or stories page on another site) and you post your stories here on Writer’s Journal too, you give permission to Writer’s Journal to take necessary action to keep your stories on Writer’s Journal site up-to-date and in sync with the versions on your own site at our discretion.
  13. You must keep your contact information current. Any change/deletion requests will be honored only when coming from the account that posted the story. Your email address should be valid and current. Announcement and notices regarding your stories (if any) will be emailed to you, and verification of your requests may require contacting you at the email address listed under your account in Writer’s Journal database. So make sure that you don’t lose your log-in information and keep your contact information current.
  14. If you don’t log into Writer’s Journal for more than 3 years, your stories will get moved into the archives. We may give interested authors permission to finish any work you left unfinished.
  15. Promotions: All promotions must be compliant with rule #6. No teasers. No permanently partial postings. If you start posting a book/story on the site, you must complete it if it’s fully written. Failure to comply with these rules will result in a permanent ban on posting on Writer’s Journal .
    1. Book Sales: Any promotional links or text to sell your complete books are allowed. You authorize Writer’s Journal to complete the posting on Storiesonline in case you are unable to do it yourself.
    2. Writer support (Patreon, Subscribestar etc…): If you promote your writing on Writer’s Journal and ask for financial support, you must keep the progress on Writer’s Journal relatively close to your postings on your support site.
    3. Blog Posts: Posts on your blog deemed as non-compliant with the promotion rules will be deleted.
    4. These rules will change as needed to keep up with new issues. It’s your responsibility to stay current with any changes.

This agreement may be changed/altered without prior notice. Changes will apply to all posted works retroactively. It’s your responsibility to keep up with changes to this agreement. You may request the removal of your works at any time if you don’t agree with any change to this agreement.

Submission Tips:

Always put the story’s title and the author name at the beginning of each file that you submit. That would help us avoid confusion, if something were to go wrong with the submission.

At each step of the submission process, make sure that you select the appropriate choice and if in doubt read all the instructions on screen.

Chapter/Part/Story length:

Due to various technical reasons, we try to keep the length of each file served from the site below 55,000 characters (approximately 12,000 words). Any story or chapter longer than 55,000 characters will be served in pages on the site, just like in a book. The page breaks are created by a script, so you never know where your file will be divided. If you don’t like the idea of page breaks in unexpected places, then divide your own text into smaller chunks.

Good Submission Practices:

As you can see on the site, each story has a description and a bunch of codes to categorize it. Please follow these guidelines to ensure that your story reaches the right audience.

If you want your story to have a good score, then you must do several things:

Good Text:

Make sure the text is clear and easy to read. Run your work through a spell checker and a grammar checker if you have it. Make sure that your paragraphs are reasonable, overly long paragraphs are hard to read, and poorly punctuated text could deliver the wrong meaning.

Story files not broken into paragraphs will be rejected.

Story files with exceedingly long paragraphs will be rejected.

Story files written in ALL CAPS will be rejected.

When posting a serial, at least the first chapter should be posted, can’t post just a prologue or preface for the story and later post chapter/part 1.

Proper Description:

A good description is key to attracting readers. Few people will read a story without knowing what it’s about, so if you want wider readership you need to have an attractive story description; that’s your invitation to the reader to read your work.

Story description should tell something about the story’s subject, it’s supposed to make the story appealing to your audience. It’s not the place to say why you wrote the story. It’s not the place to ask for comments and feedback and it’s not the place for you to introduce yourself. Your author’s profile is the place for these things or even the story’s text itself.

Correct, Precise Tags and Categories:

Correct tags and categories are extremely important. Most people use the tags and categories to decide whether they want to read a story or not. The more precise your tags and categories are the better your scores will be. If you put the wrong category or you miss some tags or even put extra tags, you risk the chance of people retaliating by giving you low scores.

For example, if you put the romance category in your story’s description, while your story is a rape story, then you’ll attract those people that are looking for romance and when they find the rape in there then they’ll be shocked and the result is usually a vote of 1 star. And by not labeling the rape, you won’t attract those interested in reading about a rape who would give your story a higher score. So it’s all about attracting the right audience.

Precise tagging is also important. Excessive tagging is bad. If something is mentioned in the story but not described, then it shouldn’t tagged for. Anything that happens offscreen shouldn’t be tagged for. For example, if a woman gets raped, and the story doesn’t contain the rape scene, only a mention that the woman was raped, then the story doesn’t need the ‘Rape’ tag. Use your judgement and try to see it from the readers point. If you see a tag in the story what would it mean to you? Tag accordingly.


For now, English Language stories only. A story may contain phrases in other languages but the story must be fully readable and comprehendible by english-only readers. (Other languages maybe supported in the future.)

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If you’re already registered then you must login.